
                                                        Why ENTREPRENEURSHIP? Entrepreneurship is a process of making business through various costumes to get profit from the costumer.so,the entrepreneurship mainly about the soft skills of making business run in an efficient way and to make the products or the goods viable to the people who buy the product from them. In entrepreneurship you must have a good idea regarding the business you are doing.if your are not clear about that you cannot succeed in the business field.so make sure that you are in a supposition to make your idea and work efficient to start a business. Concept of Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship is the ability and readiness to develop, organize and run a business enterprise along with any of its uncertainties in order to make a profit. The most prominent example of entrepreneurship is the starting of new businesses. In economics, entrepreneurship connected with land, labour, natural resources and capital c


Nicolas tesla is one of the greatest visionaries of all time .how lived his whole life thinking about the universe .and he powered the world with electricity.he design his mind to conquest the farthest of the origins and he indeed delighted to improve the standard of living of the people.he used his sub-conscious mind to travel across all the galaxies and he mainly powered the world with electricity.he strongly believed on the emphasis of energy ,frequency and vibration.because they are the creators

and destroyer’s of the universe.he is indigenous about the inventions he made and improved the life of being.

         Energy is the ultimate sources of power generation.it lays the foundations and build realistic design in machine engineering.so he inbuilts the structure of the cycle of universe through the mind of the humans.we can run the world with electricity and we can power the aircraft propulsion instead of fossil fuels.it is efficient and cost is affordable in price .
the chakra of universe mainly leads in three ways (369).3-the origin of universe,6-the creator of universe,9-the destroyer of the universe.


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