
                                                        Why ENTREPRENEURSHIP? Entrepreneurship is a process of making business through various costumes to get profit from the costumer.so,the entrepreneurship mainly about the soft skills of making business run in an efficient way and to make the products or the goods viable to the people who buy the product from them. In entrepreneurship you must have a good idea regarding the business you are doing.if your are not clear about that you cannot succeed in the business field.so make sure that you are in a supposition to make your idea and work efficient to start a business. Concept of Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship is the ability and readiness to develop, organize and run a business enterprise along with any of its uncertainties in order to make a profit. The most prominent example of entrepreneurship is the starting of new businesses. In economics, entrepreneurship connected with land, labour, natural resources and capital c

Creative thinking.

                                                    CREATIVE THINKING 

Creative thinking is a process of thinking in a different way.it is way beyond the imagination of one’s individual . Creativity leads to thinking, thinking leads to knowledge, knowledge makes you great . Many schools and colleges are focusing on child’s grades and marks.they are not free enough to roam in their head to do what they like.instead they follow others to complete their task. Now a days everything is happing through a PC or mobile phone. We must update ourselves in a way we can face any difficulties with a solidified reason.
Flow diagram of creative thinking.
Creativity is the ability to make something new. This might be a picture, or a piece of music—but it might also be a new idea.

Creative thinking, therefore, is the ability to think differently: to see a problem or issue from a new angle or perspective. This often allows you find a new solution, or even to see that the problem does not necessarily need a solution.
The need for creative thinking arises because our brains naturally tend to fall into certain ‘short cuts’. Once we have a piece of information, we tend to use it again: that’s how we learn. This has huge advantages—for example, it means that we don’t have to learn how to use a knife and fork every time we eat—but it also has some disadvantages, in that we tend to stop thinking about things that we do, see or say regularly.

Formal Creative Thinking

Of course it is possible to think creatively all the time. There are some people who simply fizz with new ideas and seem to see everything slightly differently from those around them.
These are the people who are always asking ‘Why?’, and ‘Why not?’.
They are natural problem-solvers and innovators.
However, for most people, creative thinking requires more effort. They prefer to save their creative thinking for when it is really necessary.
Typical examples of times when you might take the time to use creative thinking techniques include:
  • When you are facing a major problem or issue, and you cannot see an obvious way forward.
  • At times of change, when it is hard to see what might lie ahead, and you want to think about possible scenarios.
  • When there is a lot of disagreement about what needs to happen next, and no compromise seems possible without a lot of effort.
  • When you need something new, that hasn’t been tried before, but you are not sure what.
On occasions like this, it may be worth doing some ‘formal’ creative thinking, and using a trained facilitator to help the group get the most out of the session.
Creative Thinking Techniques

There are a number of tools and techniques that you can use to stimulate creative thinking.
These include brainstorming, drawing techniques such as mind-mapping and rich pictures, and role-play techniques. There is undoubtedly considerable scepticism about many of these techniques. However, most if not all have some science behind them, and certainly some evidence that they work. It is worth keeping an open mind when you try them.
There is more about suitable tools and techniques for creative thinking in our page on Creative Thinking Techniques.

Making Your Thinking More Creative

Beyond ‘formal’ creative thinking opportunities, there are also things that you can do to help yourself think more creatively on a routine basis.
These include:
  • Spreading your social wings’ to get to know a wider and more diverse group of people.
    We all tend to get on best with people who are like us, and particularly people with the same background and overall views on life. However, associating with people who are like us tends to mean that our thinking gets a bit ‘lazy’. Our assumptions go unchallenged, and our views tend to get reinforced.
    Taking time to actively go out and meet new people—and particularly more diverse people, who are not so like you—will help you to challenge your assumptions. Without even realising that you are doing so, you will start to think more widely, and see things differently.
    That, of course, is the first step in starting to think more creatively.
  • Embracing new opportunities and trying new things
    One particular research study tested creativity among people who had lived abroad, and those who had not lived outside their birth country. The study found that people who had lived abroad were better able to think creatively to solve a problem.
    Obviously not everyone can go and live abroad for a period, but actively seeking out and taking up opportunities to do something new could have the same effect.
    It is worth challenging yourself to learn a new skill, or do something you find difficult, simply for the effect it will have on  your thinking!
  • Challenging stereotypes and forcing yourself to think beyond the obvious
    Another study found that people who were asked to think about people who did not fit a stereotype (such as a male midwife) were better able to think creatively than people asked to think about someone who fitted the stereotype.
    This is a very small thing, but it shows the effect of conventional thinking on our ability to think more creatively.
    Being conscious of stereotypes, and asking yourself ‘But why do I think that?’ will help to surface your assumptions, and  help you to think more creatively.
  • Engaging with art, theatre and music
    It seems that people who visit the theatre, go to concerts, or engage with other cultural activities are also more able to think creatively. The thinking is that these activities help us to see things from a new perspective, and therefore to think more creatively. They also, apparently, can help you to feel more connected, and generally kinder.
    Taking time to enjoy arts or create something in your leisure time will help you to broaden your horizons more generally.

    Changes in Indian education system.

1. Rote learning

We have progressed with time; however, we still have not been able to move away from rote learning. While we know that IB schools are changing the education system at their level, but we also need to understand that the population that goes to IB schools is very limited in nature.
Not everyone can afford the education system that they offer. Hence, the government needs to take the baton in their hands and eradicate rote learning from the schools at all the levels.
The schools must be encouraged to introduce conceptual learning which avoids students to mug up what they are being taught. While this will help students to understand the concepts better, they will also be able to retain and apply them better.

2. Evaluation system

Marks still continue to play the most important card in deciding the future of children and this often comes down upon students as a burdening factor. The pressure of marks often makes students underperform.
Instead of focusing the evaluation on a three-hour exam, the focus of evaluation should be classroom participation by a student, projects, communication and leadership skills and extra-curricular activities.

3. Equal respect to all the subjects

We continue to survive in the education system where science stream topples the stream hierarchy. Students are pushed to become a machine which only goes for high-profile subjects and subjects like languages, communications, arts are looked down and are not considered high-profile.
Students should rather be pushed to pursue the subject that they like instead of creating a differentiation between subjects.

4. Better training of educators

Teachers play the most important role in schools and hence, they should be given the best of class training. After all, they are shaping the future of the nation, the children. Teachers are often considered as second parents.
Thus, they should be imparted their training in a way that they can act as parents to the children away from their homes.
While teaching, they should create a congenial and home-like atmosphere where students can feel the empathy and love in the classroom and which can then be reflected in their behaviors.

5. Introduction of technology

We all know we have incepted in the era of the fourth industrial revolution. We are living the renaissance of technology and in such a state, technology and education system cannot be kept apart.
Students must be taught about technology right from the early years of their education so that it does not come like an alien thing in their later times.
Indian schools must embrace technology and education with an open heart and propagate the same to the students as it is there, where their future lies.

6. Personalize education

Indian education needs to realize that the absorption power of every student cannot be the same. Hence, the teaching method also cannot remain the same for every student in a class of 30.
Some students have faster learning pace and some are slow. Teachers must have a keen eye on observing each of their students.
While it is not humanly possible for a single teacher to pay attention to every student, schools must start looking at the use of technologies like artificial intelligence and chatbots who can become the helping hand to the teachers as well as students.

7. Teach them the purpose of education

Our education system is still having the features what colonial educators inbuilt. Education is not always about becoming a big, rich person. It should be about humanism.
Students must also be taught in-depth about the morals of life and inculcated with humanistic values. They should be taught that life is much beyond money and success is not measured in money.
If the Indian education system starts taking these points into serious consideration, we can attain the level of the best education system in the world. It is high that we as a country, start taking education above the mediocre level that we have been engrained with and perceive education from the holistic approach.
The main problem with Indian education system is they do business intern they deliberate focus in make millions of money and not bothering about child’s future. I like Finland education system because it focus on collaboration thinking of a student and it lets it in a way we thinking of a reason.so we deal with sophistication of our origin of something. They help the students to learn through visual context of contextual learning through mind mapping,playing games,etc..
                                                Thank you 
I hope you learn something or change something from viewing this blog .because it is important than any education you got upto now since you were born on this planet earth.


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